Dear students, You’re invited to participate the summer learning trip: 哈爾濱工業大學:第二屆中俄暑期課程體驗營(海参崴). Please refer to below poster for details. To apply, fill in the attached application form and return to the Students […]
Dear Students, You’re invited to participate the captioned event, held by Regional Crime Prevention Office (Kowloon East) of Hong Kong Police Force. Please refer to attached poster for details. Should […]
You are cordially invited to join the “College Caring Program Series – Happy Hour Gathering” as scheduled below. Let us have a break and enjoy some coffee and snacks together. […]
Dear Students, The Legislative Council Secretariat is going to offer an internship programme this summer. Attached please find the poster for your information. Student Affairs Office
Dear staff and students, The College is going to form a Dragon Boat Team. Would you like to be a member of the Team? ACTION NOW!! For more details, please […]
(This page is in Chinese version only) 四川臥龍國家級自然保護區青年實習計劃項目(以下簡稱本項目)由香港特別行政區政府民政事務局(特區政府)主辦,香港海洋公園(海洋公園)、四川臥龍國家級保護區(臥龍)及中國保護大熊貓研究中心合辦。歡迎同學報名,詳情見附件。 有興趣報名的同學,請依據指示,將報名表及文件電郵至,經學校提名給海洋公園。內部截止報名日期:2018年3月7日下午6時。 查詢:2972-7363或2972-7373。 了解詳細資料: Wolong Internship – Information 下載報名表:Wolong Internship – Application Form