
335 posts

本科生桌遊體驗日 Board Game Experience Day For Undergraduates

本科生桌遊體驗日 Board Game Experience Day For Undergraduates 日期 Date:16/2/2023 (星期四 Thu) 時間 Time:3:00 pm – 6:00 pm 地點 Venue:2/F 學生橋 W203、 204室 2/F Student Activity Zone W203, 204

聯誼茶會 Tea Gathering 日期 Date:16/2/2023 (星期四 Thu) 時間 Time:1:00 am – 3:00 pm 地點 Venue:2/F 學生橋 W203、 204室 2/F Student Activity Zone W203, 204

o facilitate the enrichment of students’ college life, SAO encourages you to join our student development activities. The topic of the current activity is “Adjusting to Hong Kong“, please join our workshop if […]

[學生發展活動 Student Development Activity] 輕運動工作坊!! Total-Fit Wellness Workshop! 日期 Date:16/2& 23/2/2023 (星期四 Thur) 時間 Time:14:30 – 16:00 地點 Venue:Gymnasium體育館 報名 Application: https://forms.office.com/r/SNP7ai4jjm  

春季學期開學日校長和常務副校長向一眾同學和教職員送上祝福紅包和祝賀揮春。 同學們反應熱烈亦互相送上祝福。 On the first day of the spring semester, our president and executive vice president distributed blessing red packets and fai chun to all students and staff. Students were […]