學生事務處將於2023年1月21日至2023年1月26日暫停開放。祝各位新年快樂! Please be informed that the Student Affairs Office will be closed from 21 January 2023 to 26 January 2023. Thank you for your attention and wish you a Happy Chinese New […]
Monthly Archives: January 2023
4 posts
農曆新年將至,學生事務處會於2023年1月30日年初九(星期一)下午12:30至1:30在1樓學院餐廳外派發農曆新年祝福紅包。同學只需到場拜年便可領取祝福紅包一份。 希望在新的一年給予同學們祝福! 限量188封,派完即止。 祝前程錦繡!身體健康! Chinese New Year is coming soon! Student Affairs Office will distribute some blessing red packets outside 1/F college canteen from 12:30pm to 1:30pm on 30 January […]
2022香港年珠海學院第一屆匹克球教職員校友邀請賽已於12月17-18日順利完成 一眾教職員與同學踴躍參與,加深對匹克球運動的認識。 1st HK CHC Pickleball Invitational championship 2022 was successfully and joyfully completed on 17-18/12/2022! Students and staff are all actively involved, contributed to broaden their knowledge of pickleball.