Recruitment of Administrative Officers in 2024/25

The AO Grade is a cadre of multi-skilled professional public administrators who play a key role in the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Members of the AO Grade are involved in policy formulation, resource allocation, implementation of major government programmes and promotion of the interests of Hong Kong in the Mainland and overseas. Posted to different policy bureaux and departments at regular intervals, they enjoy a wide exposure in their career and contribute to different areas of work in the Government. They are also given ample opportunities to attend training courses, some in renowned universities outside Hong Kong, to continuously develop their potential with a view to advancing to directorate positions in the Grade.


The Government is going to launch a new round of recruitment exercise. Please find the details below.

Entry Requirements
  • Permanent residents of the HKSAR
  • Possess the requisite academic qualifications, but final year or penultimate year undergraduates who will obtain such qualifications in the years of 2025 or 2026 are also encouraged to apply
  • Obtain Level 2 in the two language papers, or equivalent, and a Pass in the Aptitude Test of the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), as well as a Pass in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (Degree/Professional Grades) (BLNST)
Joint Recruitment Examination (JRE)
  • Eligible applicants will be arranged to attend the Joint Recruitment Examination (JRE) to be held tentatively on December 7 in Hong Kong. Applicants residing or studying outside Hong Kong could choose to attend relevant examinations in one of the seven non-local cities outside Hong Kong (i.e. Beijing, Shanghai, London, New York, Toronto, Vancouver and Sydney).
  • Local applicants who do not possess the above requisite CRE/BLNST results may also apply, and will be arranged to take relevant examinations in Hong Kong on the same day of JRE or another date within December 2024. Their applications will only be processed subject to their obtaining of the requisite results.
Application Period NEW!
  • The AO Recruitment Exercise will start on 14 September 2024 (Saturday), and the application period will run until 4 October 2024 (Friday) at 11:59 p.m. Hong Kong Time.
  • Applicants are required to make applications directly through the online application system on Civil Service Bureau’s website at
  • Applications submitted by post, fax, e-mail or other means will not be accepted.
Details about the Recruitment Exercise