Program Objectives The scholarship program provides not only financial support to students, but also an opportunity for them to better understand the business operations, corporate structure, personnel and strategic development […]
提高警惕 防止騙案 (簡體字及英文版請見下頁) (For Simplified Chinese and English version, please refer to the page below) 各位同學 : 近來以電話/電郵行騙個案大幅增加,故特函各同學,希望大家提高警覺以免受騙。 一般而言,騙徒會假冒速遞公司職員、銀行職員、政府人員或電訊公司職員等,以電郵/電話聯絡受害人,以不同藉口詐騙受害人,並要求受害人進行金錢轉賬、繳交保證金及透露個人資料(包括姓名、身份證號碼、銀行戶口號碼及密碼等)。 以下是一些防騙建議: 內地及香港執法人員絕不會透過電話要求市民進行任何金錢轉賬或繳交保證金; 如遇到有人自稱執法部門人員或其他機構職員,以不同理由指示市民交出個人資料及財產,應該主動查證及再三向相關機構核實來電者的身份; 切勿將金錢存入陌生人的帳戶; 切勿交出銀行帳戶號碼以及網上理財密碼; 若來電者稱已脅持你的親戚或朋友,請即報警; 學生事務處現提醒各位同學如同學們遇上上述情況,千萬不要隨便披露任何資料,更不要隨便轉帳到不知名戶口。若有懷疑,請立即致電學生事務處 2792 7366 […]
Dear Students, You are cordially invited to join the Cultural Exchange Series Events organized by the Student Affairs Office. Details are as follows: Belgium – Pancake Sharing Date: 22 […]
Dear Students, You are cordially invited to join the Cultural Exchange Series Events organized by the Student Affairs Office. Details are as follows: Thai Pattern Workshop Date: 20 Nov […]
Dear Students, The Student Affairs Office is organizing a series of Cantonese Classes for all students. These classes will be prepared and taught by student voluntary tutors. Please see the […]
Talent Show x Happy Hour Let’s sing, dance and more! Register your performance time and there you go! Students and staff are all welcome.