Chapter 2: Your Experience counts

You can dig in your experiences by making a list, starting with the course you are currently taking, then employment and service. By doing this activity you will have a bigger picture of your experiences, and discover the skills and positive assets required to develop your career.

From the table above, you will be able to list out your strengths and preferences by summarizing the path you have been through. Also, you may identify the skills you obtained or improved through your journey. Knowing more about yourself will be helpful in answering tough interview questions.

List of soft-skills to develop:

Know your Career Values

We can familiarize your work values by completing this part of the booklet. These preferences are called Career Anchors, which represents the combination of perceived career competence of a person including talents, motives, values, and attitudes. It represents one’s highest priorities and preferred way of living.

Knowing your preference will help you to make better career choices.

Click this link for the PDF version of the Career Anchor.

Copyright North East Leadership Academy. Based on Edgar Schien’s Career Anchors

After knowing your anchor, name the top 3 Jobs or job combinations that fit my career preference.

Career Anchor is one of the many ways to assist you in making career and further study choices.

You are recommended to complete the other tests:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (based on personal inclinations)

  • Self-Directed Search (Holland’s RIASEC) (based on vocational preference)

職業評估 – VTC

HK VTC Occupation Dictionary

Proceed to Chapter 3: How to begin job hunting?