Government Assistance

** Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) and Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS) for the 2024/25 academic year are now open for application. **


Please refer to the table below to learn about the financial assistance programs and applicable program types provided to eligible Hong Kong students by the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Office (SFO) and the Social Welfare Department’s Care Fund. Students must submit their own applications in order to receive funding.

Applicable to full-time Higher Diploma and Undergraduate programs



Additional funding projects


A subsidy scheme that is subject to family income and asset testing. Aid includes grants and/or loans. Grants are used to help students pay tuition and study expenses; loans are used to meet students’ living expenses.

Eligible full-time students in post-secondary programs at associate degree, advanced diploma or bachelor’s degree level. Qualified applicants who are admitted to campus dormitories will be provided with campus dormitory subsidy; and eligible applicants with special educational needs will be provided with additional study expenses bursary.



How to apply

A subsidy scheme that is subject to family income and asset testing. Aid includes grants and/or loans. Grants are used to help students pay tuition and study expenses; loans are used to meet students’ living expenses. Applicants must be eligible applicants of the Student Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Studies or the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students and meet the conditions set out in the “Purpose of the Scheme”. Applicants must select to apply for the Student Travel Subsidy when submitting the online application form for the Student Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Studies or the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students.




Interest and administrative fees

In conjunction with the Financial Assistance Scheme for Postsecondary Students (FASP), loans are provided to assist eligible students studying in self-financing and locally accredited full-time associate degree, higher diploma or bachelor degree level programs to pay tuition fees. Registered students of locally accredited full-time self-financing post-secondary programs at sub-degree or bachelor’s level; and have the right of abode in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong), or have themselves or their families resided in Hong Kong for three consecutive years before the start of the programme.   Lenders are required to pay interest on the loan taken out and charge an administrative fee for each application and each loan account.

Interest is calculated from the date of loan disbursement and is also calculated during the semester. Until the loan is repaid in full.

Administrative fees will be charged when the application is submitted and annually thereafter until the loan is fully repaid with accumulated interest.




How to apply

Non-means-tested subsidy is provided to eligible students of full-time locally accredited local and non-local self-financing undergraduate degree (including top-up degree) programmes.

Eligible students studying in an eligible self-financing first-year undergraduate degree program or top-up degree programme.   This must be done through the institution where the student is admitted.




How to apply

Subsidise designated full-time locally accredited self-financing undergraduate programmes in selected disciplines.

Eligible programmes must meet the following requirements –

  • the programmes must be full-time locally accredited self-financing undergraduate local programmes; and
  • the programmes are included in a list of designated programmes nominated by relevant bureaux for the purpose of nurturing necessary talent in support of specific industries with keen demand for human resources.
  The subsidised places of the designated first-year-first-degree (FYFD) programmes under the SSSDP are allocated mainly through JUPAS. Target applicants are HKDSE students.
Applicable to full-time Master’s programs    




Interest and administrative fees


Provide loans to eligible students studying designated post-secondary/continuing and professional education courses in Hong Kong to help them pay their tuition fees.

Applicants must be students studying ENLS eligible courses in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong); and they must have the right of abode in Hong Kong, or they or their families must have lived in Hong Kong for three consecutive years before the start of the course.   Lenders are required to pay interest on the loan taken out and charge an administrative fee for each application and each loan account.

Interest is calculated from the date of loan disbursement and is also calculated during the semester. Until the loan is repaid in full.

Administrative fees will be charged when the application is submitted and annually thereafter until the loan is fully repaid with accumulated interest.