Sports Activity And Competition (Internal) JC PROcruit C Traineeship Programme Roadshow by Sectors” sharing sessions (「賽馬會專業創未來計劃」四大專業領域簡介會) Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation – “For Our Future” Scholarship 大灣區共同家園青年公益基金 - 「創明天」獎學金 禪繞頌鉢療癒工作坊Zentangle & Singing Bowl Relaxation Workshop 2022-2023 珠海學院 - 香港大專體育協會賽程表. 2022-2023 CHC- USFHK competition schedule 疫情下的學習 2: 如何擊退拖延症工作坊 Learning under the Pandemic 2: The Procrastination Trap Workshop 疫情下的學習 1: 如何提升抗壓能力工作坊 Learning under the Pandemic 1: Managing Academic Stress Workshop Online recruitment talk: Administrative officer Online recruitment talk: Executive officer I I « Previous 1 … 15 16 17 18 19 … 65 Next »